TextFormation 1.1 review

by rbytes.net on

TextFormation is a free FileMaker Pro plug-in that dynamically transforms text within your FileMaker solutions into easy-to-read presentable formats.

License: Freeware
OS: Mac OS X
File size: 317K
Developer: Hi-Voltage
Price: $0.00
Updated: 25 Oct 2005
0 stars award from rbytes.net

TextFormation is a free FileMaker Pro plug-in that dynamically transforms text within your FileMaker solutions into easy-to-read presentable formats. Formats that were previously difficult and cumbersome can now be achieved with ease. Give your clients and users the freedom to customize formats on the fly... they'll be seriously impressed.

NOTE: This plug-ins is freeware, however it requires a free registration code that can be found herre: http://www.hi-voltage.com.au/formregistration.php?product=TextFormation

Here are some key features of "TextFormation":
International phone numbers
Domestic / local phone numbers
Interstate phone numbers
Fax numbers
Cellular phone numbers
Pager numbers
Invoice numbers
Credit card numbers
Social security numbers
Membership numbers
Bank accounts
Serial numbers
Batch production numbers
Employee numbers
Tax file numbers.

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