Sudokut 0.2 review

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Sudokut is a command line sudoku solver.

License: Freeware
OS: Mac OS X
File size: 0K
Developer: Bernard Desgraupes
Price: $0.00
Updated: 15 Dec 2005
0 stars award from

Sudokut is a command line sudoku solver.

Sudokut is written in Tcl, a platform-independent scripting language, so it should work on any platform (Unix, Mac OS X, Windows) provided a Tcl interpeter is installed (which isnormally the case by default on Unix and Mac OS X).

It is quite fast (less than one second for medium force sudokus, approx 4 seconds for the most difficult ones).

The command has several options. The package comes with a detailed help file.

sudokut is an Open Source Project. Its source code is freely available and can be freely distributed and modified provided you respect the licensing terms.

What's New:
new -s option to obtain suggestions about the next step
new -p option to probe the sudoku using a particular technique
new -o option to obtain only the first solution in the case of a multiple solutions puzzle
new -n option to disable backtracking
more solving techniques are supported: block to row/col reduction, block to block reduction, naked pairs reduction, x-wing reduction.

Sudokut 0.2 keywords