SoundKeyframeTool 1.0 review

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SoundKeyframeTool gets precise beat timing information for songs and can also be used to mark specific events in a song.

License: Freeware
OS: Mac OS X
File size: 682K
Developer: Laser Pirate Squad
Price: $0.00
Updated: 26 May 2006
0 stars award from

SoundKeyframeTool gets precise beat timing information for songs and can also be used to mark specific events in a song.

If you want to add your own songs to Lumox 2, SoundKeyframeTool can get the necessary beat timing information.

How do I get timing information for my song?

First you will need to give SoundKeyframeTool a song. This is a little clunky; its a developer tool and it works for us. You will need a song in mp3 format. Right click (or Option Click) on SoundKeyframeTool and choose Open Package Contents. Open the Resources folder. Inside Resources, there is a file called song.mp3. Replace it with your mp3 (renamed your mp3 to song.mp3 and drag it into Resources).

Run SoundKeyframeTool. Press Space to start the song. Tap Z along with the beat of the song (with no gaps). Keep tapping for at least 10 seconds. Press R to reconstruct the beat information for the song. Press S to save the beat information.

Inside Resources, there is a file named events.txt. This file contains the saved song timing information. The first two numbers specify the song's beat. We define the beat timing according to the following equation:
Let T be the time since the beginning of the song in seconds
A beat occurs whenever T = Offset + K * Period,
where Period is the time between beats, Offset is the time from the song start to the first beat and K is any integer. The first two lines of events.txt are Offset and Period, respectively.

If you want information about specific events in the song, the keys X-M or 0-9. These events are recorded in events.txt after the beat information.

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