song tran reviews and downloads
Search results for «song tran»:
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Tunatic 1.0.1b Tunatic Identifies a song playing on radio. Displays song title and artist name. Freeware |
ITunes Current Song Menu 2.1 ITunes Current Song Menu allows you to display the song currently played by iTunes (and other information) in the menu bar and to search for the lyrics of this song. Shareware |
Country Song Generator 1.0.1 Country Song Generator is a cute program that I designed the UI for. Freeware |
Swap Artist and Song Name 1.0 So I'm going through my library, and notice quite a few albums which have the Artist and Song Name reversed. Freeware |
What's On Widget 1.1 We have all heard a song on the radio and wondered ‘What song is that?’ or ‘I wonder who sings that song?’ Now, What’s On Widget tells you what song is currently playing and provides links to preview or purchase the song from the iTunes Music Store. Freeware |
Song Sheet 6 Song Sheet makes it simple to create lyric sheets with the chords you use. Shareware |
Song Sheet 4.2 4 Song Sheet makes it simple to create lyric sheets with the chords you use. Shareware |
Song Sheet 4.1 4 Song Sheet makes it simple to create lyric sheets with the chords you use. Shareware |
Play MiniTunes 1.2 Play MiniTunes is a iTunes quick song player and controller. Freeware |
SoundKeyframeTool 1.0 SoundKeyframeTool gets precise beat timing information for songs and can also be used to mark specific events in a song. Freeware |
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