SanityCheck 5.0.3 review
DownloadSanityCheck can fix your structure file (ie, it can modify the data in your structure file in such a way that fixes the structure file when it is damaged).
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SanityCheck can fix your structure file (ie, it can modify the data in your structure file in such a way that fixes the structure file when it is damaged).
Specifically, here are some of the things it will fix today:
* Object (any object) is outside of the bounds of the file.
* Method Data doesn't exist (even though method name does)
* Missing field data list in a table.
* Missing table method data.
* Subtable doesn't link to proper parent
* Layout data doesn't exist for a layout
* Bad form template counts
* Bad form template name
* Missing form template data.
* Missing form object method data.
* Poorly formed List
* Bad list count
* Bad List name
* Bad balloon help name
* Bad balloon help data (doesn't exist)
* Bad link to method data
* Some kinds of damage to the password table
* Bad picture names
* Missing picture data
* Bad count of pictures
* Orphan removal (non-referenced objects)
* Password table removal.
What's New:
Compatible with 2003.5 (component security changes)
Compatible with 2004
Significant speed increases
Pragmas -- you can now insert strings into your comments to tell SanityCheck to process/not process items (example: a comment like this "`%sc%: +118, -120" will turn on item 118 and turn off 120 for the duration of this method
If you put resource files in a directory named "resources" which is near your structure, SanityCheck will load the STR# resources from those files. This allows you to have custom strings like this: ':2352,1' without SanityCheck complaining.
Find bad scripts on new objects for 4D 2004 (List Boxes, etc).
Error [405] when object name is too big
Warning [406] when field has a relation to itself
Error [410] when a constant is used in a type delcaration: C_INTEGER(5) catches when you accidentally forget the "$"
Warning [409] if 'Form event' is not called in a Form Method
Info [408] if 'Form event' is not called in an Object Script Method
Warning [407] if 'Form event' is called in any other method
Treat pairs like "A-umlaut and A" as the same for variable name comparisons (as 4D does)
Detect files with creator type of 4D06 -- 4D Customizer won't open them and doesn't say what's wrong.
Load 4D special "extensions" (plugins) -- QuickReports, 4D Chart -- only works for v2003, v2004 of 4D.
Write XML file for errors to disk
InSanity plugin which can be used with the XML file to walk through errors in your structure files
Make SanityCheck's strings of [Table]Form.Variable look more like 4D compilers
New 128x128 icon for Macintosh!
Demo mode constraints have changed: you can see everything but only half of the file is processed.
Fix: Turn off warning about non-indexed BOOLEAN fields
Fix: Use /tmp directory for temp files under osx
Fix: Make sure window is visible on one of your monitors. If not, reset the window position.
Fix: Was reporting error on item [394] when varaible used as menu ref: ":var,12"
Fix: Windows: Plugins folder "near" 4D.exe is now scanned for plugins
Fix: Comparison code was failing, causing spurious [34] errors
Fix: Don't generate [347] for database methods (On Web Authentication, etc)
Fix: Open .4DB files from windows (no file type)
Fix: German version of 4D App was not being properly parsed
Fix: small memory leak (constant size, once per launch)
Fix: case-insensitive for file endings (RSR vs rsr vs Rsr..)
Fix: v6 and later: do not warn when errors detected in OLD style sheet format. (you can't edit, delete them anyway and 4D seems to not care)
Fix: Process Plugins folder "near" mydb.4db. Both mac/win
Fix: Error comparing structures in japanese
Fix: Get name of DB methods for error strings (was failing).
4D v 2.2.3 and later.
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