Properties (un)bundle 1.0 review

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A script to unbundle (and bundle) properties when the script is open in Script Debugger.

License: Freeware
OS: Mac OS X
File size: 0K
Developer: Shane Stanley
Price: $0.00
Updated: 24 May 2006
0 stars award from

A script to unbundle (and bundle) properties when the script is open in Script Debugger.

One of the great annoyances of scripting is when you get an error in a statement that sets several properties at once. You take a guess at which property is causing the problem and remove it, try again, etc, until you find it's the last one left -- and you then have to put the others back (and you forgot to keep a copy of the original).

Ages ago I thought that a script to unbundle (and bundle) properties would be easy enough, and I finally got around to trying to write it. I was wrong; it was a real pain. But I think I got close enough.

Properties (un)bundle 1.0 keywords