pop-pop 1.0.4 review

by rbytes.net on

Pop-pop is a unique fusion of pulse-quickening arcade game action andInternetworkable combat that's more addictive (and more colorful) than ahandful of JellyBelly jellybeans.

License: Shareware
OS: Mac OS X
File size: 0K
Developer: Ambrosia Software, Inc.
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Price: $25.00
Updated: 27 Aug 2005
0 stars award from rbytes.net

Pop-pop is a unique fusion of pulse-quickening arcade game action andInternetworkable combat that's more addictive (and more colorful) than ahandful of JellyBelly jellybeans.

Pick your character, then enter thebright happy world of fierce brick-bashing combat, where your paddle isyour weapon, and your pop-fu must be strong to survive.

Pop-pop has over 100 built-in puzzle levels if you want to play solo tosharpen your pop-pop'ing skills, or you can play against the viciouslyaggressive computer AI pops for a test of your mettle.

The realchallenge of your pop-worth, however, is when you enter the Internetarena to play against other pop-pop players all over the world.

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