PasswierdPlus! 6.5 review

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PasswierdPlus! is a program that once installed forces the user to enter a password in order to continue.

License: Shareware
OS: Mac OS X
File size: 1245K
Developer: Unvisible Universe
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Price: $15.00
Updated: 03 May 2006
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PasswierdPlus! is a program that once installed forces the user to enter a password in order to continue. You must install the program before you can use it. PasswierdPlus! now keeps a record of every time your computer is started up!

PasswierdPlus! is designed for use with one computer and contains sounds and games to discourage would-be hackers. The games are not real but function as security devices. The sounds are intended to be entertaining as well as provide a warning. Registered owners will receive information on how to create their own sounds to add to PasswierdPlus! The individual has one password. If you wish to have a universal password for multiple computers you should consider multiPasswierd!, which allows for an Administrator password.

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