OnArtwork 1.1 review

by rbytes.net on

OnArtwork - capture CD covers using an iSight video camera and store them in iTunes.

License: Shareware
OS: Mac OS X
File size: 2208K
Developer: Antonio Ferraioli
Buy Now
Price: $14.00
Updated: 06 Jan 2007
0 stars award from rbytes.net

OnArtwork - capture CD covers using an iSight video camera and store them in iTunes.

Here are some key features of "OnArtwork":
Use your iSight camera to capture CD covers.
List iTunes tracks with assigned or unassigned artworks.
Simple controls to crop, resize, rotate and adjust the captured cover.
Assignement and remove artwork functions.
Play tracks in iTunes.

What's New:
Added controls to play and pause tracks in iTunes. Added drag and drop capability, now you can drop, edit and assign cover images to your iTunes tracks, this feature does not require an iSight camera installed on your mac.

iSight video camera

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