Newspeak 3.0v17 review
DownloadNewspeak is a full-featured, Cocoa-based and Aqua-compliant IRC client.
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Newspeak is a full-featured, Cocoa-based and Aqua-compliant IRC client.
Features multiple server connections, file transfer support, window transparency, rules-based message filtering, text-to-speech, and more.
What's New:
Built for PPC and Intel, Mac OS X 10.4.3.
Fixed #1380683, Quit alert says cancel twice
Fixed #1380937, don't order front the messages window if a query conversatio
Fixed #1380923, at first, scrolling doesn't
Fixed #1380682, When a chat window is in front, "View -> Customize Toolbar"
New UI layout. Drawers are gone, global input line is gone, now we're using just plain old NSTextViews in NSSplitViews. This is done because the old system is really kinda untenable for keyboard focus, Cocoa doesn't support a key view loop which spans multiple windows very well.
Ditched the appearance manager, brushed metal sucks anyway.
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