MooSB Sound Packer 1.0 review

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The MooSB Sound Packer program allows you to create your own Sound Packs without having to know anything about programming.

License: Freeware
OS: Mac OS X
File size: 700K
Developer: Nimatoad
Price: $0.00
Updated: 21 Apr 2006
0 stars award from

The MooSB Sound Packer program allows you to create your own Sound Packs without having to know anything about programming. Simply choose some AIFF or WAV files, and this program will create a Sound Pack that is ready to be drag-installed.

Plus, the Sound Pack that is created is special. Unlike any other Sound Packs, this one will allow you to add/remove sounds simply by adding and removing files in its Contents/Resources/ directory.

MooSB 2.0.

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