Moodle 1.4.3 review
DownloadMoodle is a learning management system forproducing web-based course sites.
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Moodle is a learning management system forproducing web-based course sites. It is written in PHP and is easy to installand use on Mac OS X (as well as Windows, Unix, Linux, and Netware).
It has been designed to support modern pedagogies based on socialconstructionist theory, and includes activity modules such as forums, resources,journals, quizzes, surveys, choices, and assignments.
It has beentranslated into 30 languages, with more on the way. Moodle offers a freealternative to commercial software such as WebCT and Blackboard, and isbeing used by a growing number of universities, schools, and independentteachers for distance education or to supplement face-to-face teaching.
What's New:
Better checking/cleaning of cookie data
Preventative measures for session fixation
Better checking/cleaning of parameters for RSS feeds, ip atlas parameters, glossary, forum, theme selection, SCORM module, document viewer
Added protection in viewing of uploaded files
Added protection against directory traversal
Fix for variable $FULLME necessary for cron
Prevention against internal libraries being called directly.
Prevent viewing of glossary if it's a hidden activity
Hidden sections hidden from students in recent activity
Fixed problem with guest user being able to see events in the calendar
Fixed encoding of TEX expressions
Enforced enrolment uniqueness, this is also a performance fix.
Added transaction support for PostgreSQL
Logging in and logging out are now logged
Wiki and SCORM now both use new zipping code - this fixes reported SCORM issues
New paging system for glossary
User info from LDAP truncated for insertion into moodle to prevent data loss
Updated pclzip to new version
Memory_limit can be overriden by higher config settings on php.ini, commandline, httpd.conf, .htaccess
New translations started: Maori, Kannada, Albanian and Vietnamese
Many additions to other language packs
Teachers can now always try quizzes, even if they're not open yet
Glossary print view is now different for each format.
Glossary search now also searches aliases
Vastly improved multilang filter with more forgiving syntax
Better caching headers mean improved performance on all pages when using back button
Database indexes added in many places to enhance performance in large scale deployments
Performance improvements throughout moodle where courses were being listed.
Various optimizations by removing unnecessary database retrievals and sorting.
Fixed restoring into a new course generating duplicate course idnumbers
Fixed many small Postgres issues
Fixed unnecessary notices when debug mode on
Fixed some more PHP5 Notices
Fixed support for apostrophes, quotes and backslashes in LDAP user data
Fix for pagination of search course results for Postgres
Fixed bug with whitespace in user search
Fixed chatroom bug where all chat users listed in multiple chatrooms
Fix for installation script bug
Case sensitive usernames in bulk user import fixed
Fixed bug in redirection after rating forum post
Fixed bug in quiz with matching questions
Fixed bug in quiz preview
Fixed bug in language editing
Multiple small fixes in SCORM module
SCORM module shows user pictures properly
Activity names sorted by name in activity filter
Glossary search will search aliases as well
Any RSS errors will result in a valid RSS error file rather than invalid RSS.
Fixed problem with SCORM package validation and PHP5
Fixed problem with backup/restore and empty categories
Better XHTML in wiki
Bug fix in chat reports for first chat session
Fixed a problem with SCORM when deleting a lot of files, or very large files
Fixed some problems with encyclopedia format in glossary
Fixed bug in SCORM integration with zipping code
Fixed bug in dialogue plain text email notifications
Fixed missing sesskey variables in social activity block
Excess sections for a course are now hidden in the navmenu
Added daylight savings time fixes for the calendar
First quiz edit in a new course has a default category assigned
Fixed bug in paypal module when accepting payment amount
Fixed bug in course files with loss of choose mode
Moodle 1.4.3 keywords