Modul8 2.5 review
DownloadModul8 is a revolutionary MacOS X application designed for real time video mixing and compositing.
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Modul8 is a revolutionary MacOS X application designed for real time video mixing and compositing. It has been designed for VJs and live performers.
Created by professional VJs and developped by real time imaging specialists, all coming from the video game industry, Modul8 offers a state of the art user-interface combined with very high performances.
Here are some key features of "Modul8":
Unlike most of the other video mixers, Modul8 really allows you to create the composition you want instead of being stuck with a predefined set of filters. And by composition, we mean both spatial and time-related composition: In Modul8, you can move, rotate, scale your original media just like in a simple image editor - but all in real time.
Modul8 supports almost all quicktime codecs, flash animation and almost all the image formats you can think about. Simply drag and drop your files to the media panel. They are ready to be mixed. Modul8 works in full resolution, no scale down is done. The output resolution can be in pal, ntsc, svga, xga or higher. The same is true for your movies: not a single pixel is lost. Modul8 renders your media as you have compressed it, i.e. with the maximum available quality and highest possible resolution.
To reach this kind of performance, we push your hardware and the OS to the limit: The full rendering is done through the GPU of your graphic card; each pixel modifier has been altivec optimized and the whole architecture of the software is fully multi-threaded. Everything has been done to lower the latency as much as possible at every levels of the application. For example, the movie swapping and looping are pre-buffered to avoid latency.
Modul8 is able to manage up to 10 different layers each one having its own settings and media. Layers can be re-ordered at any time with a simple drag and drop. Layers can also be grouped in two compositions A/B allowing you to work on an animation while you are projecting another one. Full per pixel transparency is computed between the layers allowing you to obtain an incredible high quality mix of images. Because we know how important the transparency is in compositing, Modul8 is able to read full alpha channels from the media. We also offer five different luma-key functions for media that do not support an alpha channel.
Modul8 works in full 32 bits colors, three channels for red, green and blue, plus the alpha channel. At any time, you can modulate the channels (both color and transparency) of your media without slowing down your composition. Highly optimized filters allow you to change the contrast, the saturation, the brightness in both positive and negative forms. And of course standard filtering like ultra fast blur and noise filters are also directly integrated in the main user interface.
Since the V2.0, Modul8 includes an advanced transformer mechanism that allows the creation of advanced three-dimensional objects from your 2D media: a new matrix mechanism for tiling your video source that supports 3D extrusion; an advanced real time patch system that lets you create complex dynamic 3D shapes by combining primitives, displacement mapping, sound waves; and a 3D particle engine designed for real time manipulation.
Modul8 supports a preview panel that can be used at the same time than the final output. This panel lets you see the output and much more: you can display hidden layers or group to prepare the final composition before it is sent to the displayed output (just like with DJ tables). This preview panel can also be used to move your layers in space with a simple mouse drag.
For those who want to keep a trace of their performances or simply reuse their compositions in other applications, Modul8 V2.0 integrates several new technologies to record a composition and to render it to a Quicktime movie. The logical record of Modul8 V2.0 allows you to record hours of performance in an internal vectored format that takes no disk space or CPU time. Once the record is finished you can render your work several times using different Codecs, frame rates and resolutions without having to change anything in your original composition.
Modul8 supports direct keyboard and full midi connectivity. The whole user-interface can be configured to react to midi and/or to keyboard. Modul8 automatically detects and links your external midi controller to the user-interface. All you have to do is move your external fader, or your button, and Modul8 will interpret the midi message and link it to the button you have selected. You don't have to know about midi messages. Modul8 is also able to react directly to sound input: simply plug a microphone to your machine and link the sound input to the desired effect.
Modul8 is also fully extensible with the module system introduced in the V2.0. An advanced user-interface builder let you create your own windows and controls such as buttons, text fields and much more with a simple drag and drop. You can map your controls to Modul8 functionalities with a simple configuration panel. And for those who want to go further, it is fully scriptable. An integrated environment allows you write Python scripts straight from the inside of the application without even having to stop your animation. An online module library allows Modul8 users to share their modules. This flexible architecture opens Modul8 to full customization, perfect for advanced installation and performances.
This demo works like the full version with the following exceptions :
Only a small selection of the video loops coming with Modul8 are included with the demo.
The application is open with pre-defined samples so you can directly play with them.
You cannot open or save documents.
The logo of Modul8 is rendered in front of the output and preview compositions.
You cannot save/download/upload modules.
Mac OS X 10.3 or later
Quicktime 6.5,
PowerPC G3 processor or later,
512 MB of RAM (1GB recommended)
32MB video card (ATI Radeon 7500/nVidia GeForce- 64MB recommended).
What's New:
FreeFrame and CoreImage support
Integrated Painter
Improved Module System
Many new modules
Optimized for Intel and PowerPC
Modul8 2.5 keywords