MacNetTools 1.2.5 review

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MacNetTools is an internet utility program for Macintosh which provides a lot of usefull features in one versatile, yet easy to use package.

License: Freeware
OS: Mac OS X
File size: 3839K
Developer: Phil Rogers
Price: $0.00
Updated: 08 Jul 2006
0 stars award from

MacNetTools is an internet utility program for Macintosh which provides a lot of usefull features in one versatile, yet easy to use package.

Here are some key features of "MacNetTools":
Joins Segmented Files (what most of you use it for)
Splits Files into Segments
Decodes Encoded Binary Files - Auto Detect Format, UUEncoded, Mime (including AppleSingle and AppleDouble), Binhex, Macbinary, yEnc
Encodes Binary Files - UUEncoding, Mime, Mime AppleSingle, Mime AppleDouble, Scripted Mime (Future addition), Binhex, Macbinary, yEnc
List Files - All Files, Uncommented Files, Missing SIT Segments, Missing MPG Segments, Missing Pattern Segments, Pattern, Duplicate Files (based on content, not name), Set Match, List Match, List Invisibles, Wide variety of output formats and targets
Set Filetype - Sets the Finder filetype of all files dropped on it
Adjust All Filetype - Sets the Finder filetype of all files dropped on it based on each file's extension
Concatenate - A very generalized version of the Join command, Input as:, Files, Text Clippings, Combined Output as: File, Text Clipping, To Clipboard
CRC and Checksums - Sum32, Adler32, XOR8, MacBinary, BinHex, CRC16, CCITT16A, CCITT16B, CRC32, CCITT32, POSIX.2, ZIP 32, MD5, SHA, Custom CRCs, Custom CRC Table Generation, Several output formats and targets
File Tools - Fix HL Files, Strip Resource Fork, Encrypt-Decrypt, Move Matching Files, Move Non Matching Files, Trash Matching Files, Delete Matching Files, Label Matching Files, Rename Matching Files, Rename By Subject, Move Duplicates (based on content, not name), Move Dupl Names (name based), DTList To DBF, Alias To File, Dup.nn To Dupa.ext, Fix BinHex
Folder Tools - Combine Fldr, Group Fldr A, Group Fldr B, Group Fldr C, Step Fndr Fldrs, Delete Empty Fldrs, Open Fldrs, Close Fldrs, Calc Fldr Size (not yet functional)
Par Tools - Check Pars, Generate Pars, Recover Files
Miscellaneous Utilities - Get/Set File Info, Wildcard Match Check, Step Fndr Fldrs, Open Fldrs In Trash, Close Fldrs In Trash, SlideShow (Possible Future addition)
Choice of 3 Matchers for commands which use them: wildcard, regexp and regexs.

What's New:
This update corrects two small but significant problems pointed out by by users.
The filetype autotyper was changed to provide support for properly typing Stuffit file segments rather than typing them as Stuffit archives as was previously happening.
A second UU decoder was also added (user selectable) to allow proper decoding of multipart encodings in which the last line of uu data in one segment is not separated from the header data of the next article. A blank line may be required there under message handling RFCs (I have not yet checked) and in any case is customary. The new decoder works even without that blank line present, but loses the ability to detect bad uu character data as a result (which the old decoder does well). Other popular decoders use the second method only while ignoring errors as can be seen by CRC checks of the resultant data. MNT now allows you to have a choice between the two methods.
Error reporting options for Par file handling were also expanded on a test basis (see comments in documentation).

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