Jampal for Mac 1.07 review

by rbytes.net on

Jampal offers some unique advantages over the other jukebox and mp3 player programs available.

License: GPL
OS: Mac OS X
File size: 0K
Developer: Peter Bennett
Price: $0.00
Updated: 29 Aug 2005
0 stars award from rbytes.net

Jampal offers some unique advantages over the other jukebox and mp3 player programs available.

Here are some key features of "Jampal":
Jampal stores a music library of over 12 songs with ease.
You can sort, organize and categorize your tracks.
It is very fast. You can sort 12 tracks in under a second.
You can update hundreds of track tags in one operation in a few seconds.
Jampal libraries can be easily customized so that you can organize your music any way you want to.
You can create your own frames within the ID3v2 standard to categorize your songs which ever way you want.
The library can be imported into a spreadsheet or text editor program.
Musicmatch Jukebox libraries can be converted to Jampal and vice versa.
Most ID3v2 fields are supported, including all text fields and any number of attached pictures.
Reference information from the ID3v2 standard is included to help understand the purpose and usage of each frame.
Synthesized voice announcements of song titles (on Microsoft Windows only).

What's New:
Fixed bug loading m3u files
m3u playlist files could not be loaded with version 1.06.
Variable bit rate problem
If you had a file with variable bit rate and no xing header, the bitrate and playing time were incorrect.
Playlist with duplicate songs
If you loaded a playlist from an m3u or m3j file and there were duplicate songs you could get a java error message (Row index out of range), although the playlist was loaded successfully.
Playlist directory
When you load a playlist from a file, the program will start from the directory you last used for loading a playlist.
Missing files
If a file in a playlist is missing the program will display a message and continue with the next one, up to 5 files. This was not working due to a shortcoming in the "Follow" enhancement from the previous version.
Track Properties Display
There is a new menu option from the Edit menu and the library context menu. This displays technical data about the mp3 file.

Java Runtime Environment version 1.4 or higher (Preferably 1.4.2 or higher).

Jampal for Mac 1.07 keywords