iScrobbler 1.2 review

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iScrobbler is an application for Mac OS X that creates a simple menu extra that submits your "currently playing" info from iTunes to AudioScrobbler.

License: Freeware
OS: Mac OS X
File size: 775K
Developer: Ethereal Heavy Industries
Price: $0.00
Updated: 31 Jul 2006
0 stars award from

iScrobbler is an application for Mac OS X that creates a simple menu extra that submits your "currently playing" info from iTunes to AudioScrobbler.

AudioScrobbler is a project similar to the CDNow project that suggests music you might like based on what other people's interests.
The difference is that while CDNow makes suggestions based on what people buy, AudioScrobbler makes suggestions based on what people are actually listening to.

Also, AudioScrobbler is a non-commercial project. AudioScrobbler submissions are also possible through a plugin for Winamp2 (read this SixDifferentWays post for info on how to get it running with Winamp3), and XMMS.

Here are some key features of "iScrobbler":
Menu-Extra functionality. It sits nice and orderly up in the corner by your clock, doesn't get in the way.
Offers one-click access to the Audioscrobbler site and your personal statistics.
Displays detailed information about the song data sent, and the response from the server.
Automatically checks for updates. Update information is sent along with the server connection, so no other action is needed for you to be kept informed of any new development.
Uses the system keychain for username/password storage.

What's New:
New Artist details. When you select an artist/track in the Local Top Lists window, a drawer will open displaying a band image, fan data, and similar artists (all gathered from Audioscrobbler's web services). This feature is Tiger only.
Redesigned Top Lists window to minimize vertical space use.
Rudimentary support for MusicBrainz ID's. If the track comments contain an MBID, it will be submitted to the server. The format is: [MBID][/MBID] where is replaced by the actual MBID. This is really just a stop gap measure to allow any songs that fail the Last.FM Artist/Track filters or songs less than 30 seconds.
The time until track submission is displayed in the Stats window as part of the track info cycle.
iScrobbler is a Universal app (for PPC and Intel).
New Pause/Resume Submissions menu (by request). When paused, the note menu will change to a sharp. Plays from iTunes and iPod will both be ignored.
The Artwork script has been optimized, there should be no more iTunes hangs even with the pref enabled.
New application icon (provided by
For iPod submissions, the last submission date will now be used as the epoch if it's availble -
if not, then the last iTunes play time is used.
Updated to Growl framework .7.4.
iScrobbler will now install itself in the Login Items. If iScrobbler is later removed from Login Items it will not auto-install again.
Fixed a possible "The variable trackPodcast is not defined." script error when playing some types of tracks.
Workaround for a Tiger bug (fixed in 10.4.3) that causes iScrobbler not to recognize an active network connection on wake.

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