factor reviews and downloads
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Showing 1 to 10 from 10 matches
Random Factor Mahjong 2.0.8 Random Factor Mahjong is a new and very different Mahjong game. Shareware |
Wind Chiller 1.0.1 Wind Chiller is an AppleScript that enables you to calculate the wind chill factor. Freeware |
Factormania! 2.0 Factormania! is an AppleScript Studio application that performs some basic mathematical factoring methods on numbers and equations. Shareware |
Factor-X 1.0 Fact0r-X is an encryption/decryption tool designed for Linux and Mac OS X. Freeware |
Electrical Calculations Electrical calculations for busbars, cables, power factor corection, motor ctrl Shareware |
Factor 1.0 See what Factoring can do for your company ! Freeware |
Houston Traffic Map 1.4 Houston Traffic Map Widget displays Houston Transtar’s live traffic maps in a compact form factor. Freeware |
SYTADIN, Paris Traffic Map 1.0 SYTADIN, Paris Traffic Map displays live traffic maps from Paris (France) in a compact form factor. Freeware |
Avara 1.0.2 Avara is a fast and furious 3D networkable game with modest hardware requirements, and high a high adrenaline factor. Shareware |
Monte Carlo PCA 2.0.3 Monte Carlo PCA computes parallel analysis criteria (eigenvalues) for deteremining number of factors to retain for rotation in factor analysis. Freeware |
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