EasyEclipse Plugin Warrior 1.2.1 review
DownloadEasyEclipse Plugin Warrior is made for the development of Eclipse Plugins.
EasyEclipse Plugin Warrior is made for the development of Eclipse Plugins.
This distro contains the basic elements needed to work on Eclipse Plugins, either developing new ones or debuggin/editing existing ones. Over time, we will add more to it (releng, RCP DeltaPack), but for now it is relatively light - when you are a warrior, you pack lightly ;-).
This distribution includes the following plugins:
Core components with a JDK:
* Eclipse Platform 3.2.1 - Shared platform services from Eclipse.
* Eclipse Tools 3.2.1 - Common libraries for various Eclipse projects.
* Java JDK for Windows - Run Java application on Sun Java(tm) runtime, packaged for Eclipse use. (Windows only)
* Java JDK for Linux - Run Java application on Sun Java(tm) runtime, packaged for Eclipse use. (Linux only)
Tools for general Java development:
* Eclipse Java Development Tools 3.2.1 - Edit, compile, run, debug, test, refactor, document and deploy Java applications.
Some essential utilities:
* AnyEdit Tools - Useful right-click menus in editors: "Open file under cursor", "Open type under cursor", et cetera.
* Eclipse Utils Plugins - Save the cursor position of editors when closing and re-opening a file. Access common team actions with explorer buttons.
* Color Editor 1.2.4 - Edit with syntax highlighting over 100+ file formats.
Tools for development of Eclipse Plugins and Eclipse-based (RCP) applications:
* Plugin Development Environment 3.2.1 - Develop, test, debug, build and deploy Eclipse plugins and rich client applications.
* Eclipse Modeling Tools 3.2.1 - Adds the Modeling wizards and User Interface to the Eclipse Tools.
* Source code for the Eclipse Platform and Java Development Kit 3.2.1 - The source code for the Platform and Java Development Kit, as well as some documentation on writing Eclipse plugins.
* Eclipse Visual Editor 1.2.1 - Build visual user interfaces for Swing, SWT and Eclipse RCP applications with a graphical editor. (Windows, Linux, Mac OS X only)
EasyEclipse Plugin Warrior 1.2.1 keywords