Datatrieve Online Data Backup System 1.3.8 review

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Datatrieve Ltd is a UK-based provider of secure online data backup and retrieval services.

License: Trial
OS: Mac OS X
File size: 0K
Developer: Datatrieve Ltd
Buy Now
Price: $9.00
Updated: 19 Apr 2006
0 stars award from

Datatrieve Ltd is a UK-based provider of secure online data backup and retrieval services. By Subscribing to our services you will protect your data through the regular backup of files to our remote server facilities.
Your data can then either be retrieved online 24/7 via our custom-built software, or for larger data retrieval exercises couriered to you on CD or DVD.

What's New:
Improved file and directory selection mechanisms.
Log output level option added.
Upload/download performance enhancements.
Support for calculating deltas for files up to 2GB in size.
Support for viewing logs using Firefox browser.
Versions to keep replaced with version retention time limit.
Various GUI improvements.

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