BootImage Pal 1.2 review

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BootImage Pal is an application for making boot image design easier.

License: Freeware
OS: Mac OS X
File size: 213K
Developer: Laine D. Lee
Price: $0.00
Updated: 09 Nov 2005
0 stars award from

BootImage Pal is an application for making boot image design easier.

To use BootImage Pal, drag a single 128 X 128 pixel, 256 color tiff file with the name extension ".tiff" onto BootImage Pal's icon, or drag both the data files (.act and .raw, appropriately named) onto BootImage Pal's icon. Tiff images must not contain any alpha channels. Output will be appropriate for the type of item(s) dragged.

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