Araelium Edit 1.0pr1 review

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Araelium Edit is a general purpose software development application designed specifically for Mac OS X.

License: Freeware
OS: Windows Vista / 7 / 8 / 10
File size: 9239K
Developer: Araelium Group
Price: $0.00
Updated: 23 Jun 2006
0 stars award from

Araelium Edit is a general purpose software development application designed specifically for Mac OS X.

The tools introduced with this release focus on source code editing and project organization. Exploring what the application has to offer is best done by reviewing the four main work spaces: the project window, the document editor window, the global resources window, and the application preferences.

This is BETA software. Do NOT use it with any files or with any servers that cannot be restored to their original state. This software should be used on BACKUP COPIES of FILES only, and the file transfer tools used with test servers only. This software has known bugs, it may damage or delete files. We repeat, use this with non-critical files and servers only.

What's New:
Project Window
[NYI] Multiple documents cannot be opened at once
[NYI] command-downArrow does not open a file
[NYI] Columns are not sortable
[NYI] Switching from a list view to a second list view (i.e. from a project source code list to the Global Snippets), then back to the first list view does not retain the opened folder status of the first list.
[Kis] FTP/SFTP disconnect can take a long time some time. It appears to eventually work most times, but not always.
[Kis] Upload Status not always updated
[NYI] Smart Folders do not show Upload Status icons
[NYI] Basic upload/download by selection is implemented, but syncronize options are not yet implemented.
[Kis] Resizing Date column doesn't quite have the feel expected from Finder's behavior

Document Window
We're not quite done with all the features that will provide greater flexibility in viewing symbols and files in the Documents shelf. The current features are the basics, and there will be more in upcoming betas.
[Kis] The Inserts panel does not stay a consistent width when resizing the width of the window
[Kis] When editing HTML files, the Preview window is retaining the first loading of an external CSS file. Subsequent edits to the CSS file are not getting reloaded.

[NYI] Document font is application wide, not per document.
[Kis] Changing the document font is a little screwy. It is possible, but it takes some trickery. Change the Prefs setting. Then open a document and change the font size. The font should then be updated.
[Kis] Included Syntax definitions is incomplete

Inserts, Servers, Snippets, Stationary
[NYI] Inserts editing does not yet have Undo support
[KIS] Included inserts collections is incomplete.

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