Advanced File Finder Free 5.0.28 review

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Find, copy, rename files with specific names, properties, text / binary content

License: Shareware
OS: Windows Vista / 7 / 8 / 10
File size: 4781K
Developer: BinaryMark
Price: $0.00
Updated: 02 Apr 2017
0 stars award from

Generate file list of all files with specific name pattern, extension, properties and attributes, as well as text and binary content by recursively scanning specified directories and searching for matching files. All files can then be saved to file list; copied to a new location specified using either absolute or relative folder paths; or renamed. Program can use advanced wildcards, RegEx, and case sensitivity options when checking file names.

Advanced File Finder Free 5.0.28 search tags    batch multiple bulk mass files find search contents search bytes search files find files match file