Developer Tools software reviews

Showing 851 to 875 from 975 matches

pbsw-SNMP pbsw-SNMP 0.9 Developer Tools
pbsw-SNMP is a set of classes for sending and receiving SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) messages.
pbsw-ToolPalette pbsw-ToolPalette 1.0 Developer Tools
pbsw-ToolPalette is a simple canvas subclass for REALbasic for implementing a tool palette.
MOKit MOKit 2.8 Developer Tools
MOKit is a Mac OS X framework that augments Cocoa.
xInternationalSettings xInternationalSettings 1.01 Developer Tools
The xInternationalSettings package enables your applications to easily access the international date, time, number and location settings currently in use.
xExpandingCanvas xExpandingCanvas 1.0 Developer Tools
xExpandingCanvas lets you to create window areas that expand and collapse (like those used in the Mac OS X Finder's Get Info window).
xViewSplitter xViewSplitter 1.0 Developer Tools
The xViewSplitter package adds a new "xViewSplitter" window control to REALbasic.
File Stripper Utilities File Stripper Utilities 1.0 Developer Tools
File Stripper Utilities allows you to strip DATA fork, RSRC fork or RSRC names from files.
DOM Framework DOM Framework 2.0 Developer Tools
DOM Framework is a Cocoa framework for manipulating XML-data in applications, similar to JDOM and XOM for Java.
TestRunner TestRunner 0.1 Developer Tools
TestRunner is a simple framework for running simple unit tests on Cocoa projects.
BuildFactory BuildFactory 1.0.11 Developer Tools
BuildFactory is a tool aimed at helping developers do what they do best, develop.
SquirrelMail to CGI SquirrelMail to CGI 1.0 Developer Tools
SquirrelMail to CGI is a Perl script which will convert a SquirrelMail installation from using PHP in the traditional method, to running PHP as CGI.
Docoa Browser Docoa Browser 0.3 Developer Tools
DocoaBrowser is an utility application that displays Apples Cocoa framework documentation (both Java and Objective-C flavors) as well as your own AutoDoc documentation.
QuickPicker QuickPicker 1.0 Developer Tools
QuickPicker saves the color you picked to the clipboard in Hexadecimal value (html).
Sc21 Sc21 1.0.1 Developer Tools
Sc21 is a Mac OS X framework for integrating the Coin high-level 3D framework into Cocoa applications.
UPS_Quote LJAPI Module UPS_Quote LJAPI Module 1.4 Developer Tools
UPS_Quote LJAPI Module is a royalty free, non-exclusive, open source LJAPI (Lasso Java API) module that allows you to include shipping quotes from UPS into your Lasso driven Web site.
Tony Lownds Python Tony Lownds Python 2.5b1 Developer Tools
Python is an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language.
pbsw-XML pbsw-XML 0.5.1 Developer Tools
pbsw-XML is a REALbasic module of convenience routines extending REALbasic's XML classes.
pbsw-WindowSaver pbsw-WindowSaver 1.0 Developer Tools
pbsw-WindowSaver is a REALbasic module with extensions to the Window class for saving/restoring the state of all its controls.
pbsw-Undo pbsw-Undo 0.9 Developer Tools
pbsw-Undo is a REALbasic framework for assisting with the implementation of multiple undo/redo.
ColorDesktopFun ColorDesktopFun 1.0b2 Developer Tools
ColorDesktopFun is a REALbasic example that shows how easy it is to make a window that takes over the desktop on OS X (behind all icons).
EnablerMaker EnablerMaker 1.0.3 Developer Tools
What is an Informator Enabler? An Enaber makes it possible to get a reference to files which are embedded in other applications and to show these files in Informator.
Zip package for REALbasic Zip package for REALbasic 1.1.3 Developer Tools
If you program in REALbasic, the Zip package for REALbasic classes allow you to create and read .
RBplugin Plunger RBplugin Plunger 1.2 Developer Tools
Open any PPC-enabled RB Plugin with RBplugin Plunger to see what Controls, Classes and Methods it provides.
RB Project Tools RB Project Tools 1.1.6 Developer Tools
RB Project Tools is a set of classes to work with RB project files (in their binary form).
MacResource MacResource 1.0 Developer Tools
MacResource is a class, similar to RB's ResourceFork, that can read Mac Resource files.