dLauncher 2.71 télécharger

by rbytes.net on

dLauncher is a simple, easy to use program launcher

Licence: Freeware
Système: Windows Vista / 7 / 8 / 10
Taille: 902K
Auteur: de Software
Prix: $0.00
Mis à jour: 18 Sep 2011
0 stars award from rbytes.net
 100% clean award

dLauncher is a simple, easy to use program launcher. A good alternative to the Windows Start Menu. Friendly and intuitive. It provides quick access to your favorite programs, shortcuts, folders, documents and websites. You can create program groups, customize the list of items to include, set several item attributes. dLauncher allows you to launch your favorite programs using a simple menu from the system tray, panel and shortcuts.

dLauncher 2.71 search tags    launchbar quick launch launcher dlauncher quicklaunch shortcuts toolbar start menu