XMLmind XML Editor 3.4.0 review
DownloadXMLmind XML Editor is a highly-extensible, multi-platform, validating XML editor featuring a word processor-like view.
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XMLmind XML Editor is a highly-extensible, multi-platform, validating XML editor featuring a word processor-like view.
XMLmind XML Editor is available in two editions: Standard Edition and Professional Edition. Standard Edition is free of charge but has fewer features than Professional Edition.
Here are some key features of "XMLmind XML Editor":
Supports the DTD, W3C XML Schema, RELAX NG schemas, XML namespace, XSLT, XPath, XInclude, XML catalog standards.
Editing commands are DTD/schema aware. This makes creating invalid documents almost impossible.
Word processor-like views are configured using cascading style sheets (CSS2).
When a CSS style sheet is not available for a document, a fully editable tree view is used instead of the word processor-like view.
Multiple, synchronized, views can be used to edit the same document.
Standard controls such as buttons, check boxes, combo boxes, text fields, etc, can be embedded in the word processor-like view. With this feature, XXE can be used to edit XML data, XML documents or a mix of both content types.
Has an easy to use and yet extremely powerful integrated spreadsheet engine.
Can transform the document being edited using a built-in XSLT engine and FO processor plug-ins.
Supports many image formats (GIF, JPEG, PNG, SVG, TIFF, BMP, EPS, PDF, etc) through the use of image toolkit plug-ins.
Can be used to edit documents stored on an FTP or WebDAV server.
Ready-to-use support for XHTML (including HTML.4 tables and forms), DocBook (including CALS tables), Simplified DocBook, Slides.
Localized to English, French, German and Czech. Spell checker with dictionaries for English, French, German and Spanish.
Multi-platform: Windows, Linux, MacOSĀ X.
Can be customized (menu, tool bar, keyboard shortcuts, macro-commands, etc) without any programming, using modular XML configuration files.
Can be extended by writing custom commands and custom views in the JavaTM programming language.
Configuration files and Jar files containing extension code can be centralized on an HTTP or FTP server.
Can be deployed using JavaTM Web Start.
What's New:
Full-featured automatic spell-checker (underlines misspelled words as they are typed). Requires Professional Edition.
Many enhancements related to spell checking apply to both the automatic and the `traditional'' spell-checker: use of attributes such as xml:lang, automatically skipped elements, attributes may now be checked for spelling, etc.
The DITA configuration for XMLmind XML Editor now comes with its own (minimal) copy of the DITA Open Toolkit 1.2.2. Therefore there is no need to separately install the Toolkit if you want to convert your DITA topics and maps to HTML, PDF, etc. Fully supported by free Standard Edition. More information in XMLmind XML Editor - DITA Support.
Apache FOP 0.92beta, which already works much better than previous version 0.20.5, is available as an XSL-FO processor plug-in. Requires Professional Edition.
Java[tm] runtime 1.4.1 or above.
At least 256Mb of memory and a 600MHz CPU.
60Mb of free disk space, 120Mb for a self-contained distribution which includes a Java[tm] 1.5 runtime.
XMLmind XML Editor 3.4.0 keywords