X360 Image Viewer ActiveX OCX (Team Developer) 4.67 review

by rbytes.net on

Imaging activex view,save,zoom,resize images,bmp,gif,jpeg,png,multi-page tif,fax

License: Shareware
OS: Windows Vista / 7 / 8 / 10
File size: 9372K
Developer: X360 Software
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Price: $179.90
Updated: 18 Sep 2011
0 stars award from rbytes.net

x360soft - Image Viewer ActiveX SDK help you to view and save images of different formats include Bmp,Emf,Gif,Jpeg, Png,Tiff,multipaged Tiff,Wmf.Major functions include flip,rotate,resize and zoom the image,fully control the scroll action,draw text,convert color to grayscaled and blackwhite,get tiff tags & Exif Data,provide hand tool to move image using mouse, provide selection tools to crop or copy partial image to clipboard,print the image.

X360 Image Viewer ActiveX OCX (Team Developer) 4.67 search tags    image viewer activex image viewer ocx image activex image active x image ocx access visual bas