Wireless Communication Library COM Edition review

by rbytes.net on

Add Bluetooth, IrDA, WiFi and Wiimote support for VB 6

License: Shareware
OS: Windows Vista / 7 / 8 / 10
File size: 1055K
Developer: Soft Service Company
Buy Now
Price: $200.00
Updated: 28 Oct 2015
0 stars award from rbytes.net

Wireless Communication Library COM Edition brings the power features of Bluetooth, IrDA, WiFi and Wiimote (Wii remote) technologies to your VB 6 applications. Develop Bluetooth Proximity Application in just a few days. Save your time! WCL includes all the things you need for using Bluetooth, IrDA and WiFi in your VB 6 appications. Discover devices, send and receive files, bulk file sending and lots of other features. Get the power of ActiveX.

Wireless Communication Library COM Edition search tags    bluetooth activex wifi activex irda activex bluetooth vb wifi vb irda vb proximity marketing wiimote