WebCode 1.2 review
DownloadWebCode is an HTML editor designed to allow you to work on the pages in your site without needing multiple windows, or switching to finder.
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WebCode is an HTML editor designed to allow you to work on the pages in your site without needing multiple windows, or switching to finder.
It also supports dragging of images and html files to insert a link or image with a relative url. you can also create files into the files list, allowing you to add another page to you're site without a "save as" dialog.
Here are some key features of "WebCode":
File system navigation
Provides in-window access to other files in the website. It's designed to allow you to work on the pages in your site without needing multiple windows, or switching to Finder. It also supports dragging of images and html files to insert an A or IMG tag. Y ou can also create files into the files list, allowing you to add another page to you're site without a "Save As" dialog.
WebCode provides a tab in the side-bar where you can write anything, your notes are document-specific, you can have separate notes for each of your pages.
Tag helper
While you're editing a tag, the attributes of the tag are displayed in the status bar, if you can't remember if it was "href" or "src", the answer is there when you need it.
WebCode's features "live" Find/Replace. "Live" means as you type what you're looking for, a list of results is displayed. You'll probably only end up typing "app" even if you're looking for "Apple Computer". Find/Replace is displayed in the side bar for e asy access. You'll find this system hard to live without once you've tried it. Of course, regular expression is supported. WebCode also supports emacs style inline-search.
Custom Inserts
WebCode's inserts system is fully customizeable, the built in inserts will place things like ... around the selection. With the Command-B keyboard equivalent. You can add your own inserts, or modify the existing ones as you like.
WebCode has all the standard html editing stuff like syntax coloring, preview in browser, etc.
WebCode 1.2 search tags