Universal Password Manager 1.0 review

by rbytes.net on

UPM is a cross platform password manager.

License: GPL
OS: Mac OS X
File size: 0K
Developer: Adrian Smith
Price: $0.00
Updated: 22 Dec 2005
0 stars award from rbytes.net

UPM is a cross platform password manager. Over the years I've used a number of different password managers but I never quite found one that gave me everything I needed. At work I use MS Windows but at home I use a Mac. What I wanted was a password manager that would run on both platforms and share the same password database. Version 1.0 of UPM satisfies the first of these requirements. I'm hoping that another release soon after will fulfil the second.

The main attraction of this password manager over others is that it's small, fast and easy to use. It has also been optimised for use on both Windows and Mac OS X.

Here are some key features of "Universal Password Manager":
Small, fast and lean
Written in Java and utilizing Swing for the GUI
Windows and Mac OS X native feeling versions available
Fast Account searching
Streamlined for those who are more comfortable using the keyboard only
Uses DES with 56 bit keys to encrypt the database.


• Shared Password Database (so that the same database can be used from many machines)
• Choice of encryption algorithms
• Password generator
• Linux distributions (RPM, DEB)
• Internationalisation.

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