Undercover 1.5 review
DownloadUndercover routinely checks with the Undercover server.
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Undercover routinely checks with the Undercover server. In case of theft, the Mac's unique Undercover ID is added to the database on the Undercover server, initiating the recovery process.
During the recovery phase, Undercover transmits its current location on the internet, enabling the Undercover team to identify the computer's exact physical location. Moreover, Undercover also sends screenshots of the stolen Mac, revealing details of the thief's identity. The Undercover recovery center will then work with law enforcement to recover the Mac.
In case recovery fails, the software has an ingenious plan B: it will simulate a hardware failure, urging the thief to send the computer in for repair or sell it. As soon as the thief gets rid of the Mac, Undercover will warn the new user that the Mac has been stolen and that it should be returned as soon as possible.
The computer will shout from time to time that it has been stolen and Undercover will take over the screen, displaying how the Mac can be returned while making the computer unusable.
What's New:
iSight support for built-in and external iSights, making it possible to transmit pictures of the thief
Improves security and reliability.
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