Ultratron 2.2 review

by rbytes.net on

The last human has been slain by evil killer robots.

License: Demo
OS: Mac OS X
File size: 4482K
Developer: PuppyGames
Buy Now
Price: $9.00
Updated: 30 Sep 2005
0 stars award from rbytes.net

The last human has been slain by evil killer robots. You are the one remaining humanoid battle droid. Your mission is to avenge the human race, and destroy the four bots of the Apocalypse - Ieiunitas, Bellum, Lues and Letum!

Power up your droid with ever more powerful weaponry as you blast your way through the levels, avoiding Chasers, Turrets, Spawners, Minelayers, bombs, and bullets!

Here are some key features of "Ultratron":
70+ different robots to destroy
40+ levels of frantic shooter action
4 giant boss robots
10 powerups
Bonus stages
Online hiscore table.

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