ttroToggle 1.0 review

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ttroToggle toggles the file type of SimpleText files to read-only (or "ttro" if they are "TEXT") or to editable (or "TEXT" if they are "ttro").

License: Freeware
OS: Mac OS X
File size: 0K
Developer: Kanzu Software
Price: $0.00
Updated: 29 Dec 2005
0 stars award from

ttroToggle toggles the file type of SimpleText files to read-only (or "ttro" if they are "TEXT") or to editable (or "TEXT" if they are "ttro").
Simply drag Simpletext files onto to ttroToggle's icon to make the change.

ttroToggle looks inside folders for SimpleText files if a folder is droppped onto its icon.

ttroToggle 1.0 keywords