TotoTurbo 2.2.2 review
DownloadTotoTurbo is a handy tool to facilitate the formulations of complex systems of Totocalcio.
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TotoTurbo is a handy tool to facilitate the formulations of complex systems of Totocalcio. For the uninitiated, Totocalcio is a popular sports wagering game based on the weekly soccer matches of the Italian series. You have to guess the score of 13 different matches.
Your guess never has to be very accurate; inTotocalcio's most basic form, you only have to guess which team might win. For more complex forms of the wager game, TotoTurbo can (probably) help you calculate a winning bet.
Here are some key features of "TotoTurbo":
create systems from only 1 column to 14 triples (15 triples for Israelian Toto)
constrain the columns to have minimum and maximum signs, maximum consecutivity, minimum and maximum simmetries, minimum and maximum interruptions, minimum and maximum parallels, even and odd groups, sequences, constrained columns, derived formulas
constrain systems with even more detailed criteria
constrain columns by pickets
recover unlimited number of wrong conditions
reduce the constrained system in order to get second and third category wins
print the columns on paper and directly to forms
import, export and manage the set of Totocalcio contests
export the system to plain text
customize the application to suit user's needs
check the system to see if you have won.
What's New:
fixed an issue in the Constrained Columns dialog
fixed an issue in the Winning Column dialog
fixed an issue in the Picket dialog
fixed an issue in the System Insertion dialog.
CarbonLib 1.0.4 or later.
TotoTurbo 2.2.2 keywords