tickr for flickr 1.1 review
Downloadtickr for flickr is a way to enjoy images from flickr as they slowly glide down the coveted space on the right-hand side of your desktop.
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tickr for flickr is a way to enjoy images from flickr as they slowly glide down the coveted space on the right-hand side of your desktop. Essentially, tickr just scrolls images, until flickr runs out of images to show you which match the tags you've specified. In many cases, this is a really, really, really long time.
I've tried to make tickr as simple to use as possible; at the most basic level, just move the mouse cursor into the tickr window, type in a tag, and wait for images to show up. That's nice, and tags like "penguins", "fish", or "bears" can be pretty relaxing. To narrow down your search, you can add additional tags by separating the tags with spaces, e.g., "emperor penguins", "tropical fish", "koala bears". If you're looking for something that has a space in the name, such as San Francisco or jumbo shrimp, flickr's tag system works by stripping out spaces, so type "sanfrancisco" or "jumboshrimp". (Hint: it's probably best to try both "san francisco" and "sanfrancisco" if you really want to see everything, because people seem to tag images both ways.)
But you probably want to know a little more about the images you're seeing, so you can point to them with your mouse and see the title the photographer gave the image, the tags which people have given the image, and the original image's size in pixels. If you double-click the image, its flickr page will open in your web browser.
What's New:
The position of tickr's window is now configurable. You can position the window on the right, left, or bottom sides of your desktop, and by desktop, I mean all of the displays which are connected to your Mac.
The size of tickr's window is now configurable. Choose from Tiny, Small, Medium, and Large window sizes. tickr will scale photos appropriately for your window size. Using a smaller window size is a great way to improve performance on older Macs.
The window level of tickr's window is now configurable. You can choose between Always in Front, Normal, or Always Behind. tickr's window can be made Semi-transparent, Mostly Transparent or Opaque (in other words, just like a normal window).
Search types are available in Photos > Search in the main menu bar.
Using Photos > Sort you can order your search results By Date Taken, By Date Posted, By Interestingness (the default), or By Relevance.
tickr for flickr 1.1 keywords