Thinking Home 1.1.7 review
DownloadDo you ever forget to turn off the coffee pot or your electric blanket? Have you ever returned home from a trip, and wished someone had adjusted the thermostat? Always Thinking has the solution: Thinking Home, our amazing home automation software for the Macintosh! For only $39, you can control your household lamps and appliances, using your Macintosh at home or remotely, via Thinking Home's Web interface.
Do you ever forget to turn off the coffee pot or your electric blanket? Have you ever returned home from a trip, and wished someone had adjusted the thermostat? Always Thinking has the solution: Thinking Home, our amazing home automation software for the Macintosh! For only $39, you can control your household lamps and appliances, using your Macintosh at home or remotely, via Thinking Home's Web interface.
Thinking Home also has a voice recognition feature.
Say "Good-bye" to fumbling around a dark room looking for that lamp!
Unable to save documents or store in yourinterface.
What's New:
This latest update addresses a few minor bugs in Thinking Home and also addresses some firmware issues in The ActiveHome interface.
Also, the Desktop Remote is included for both Mac OS 9 and X.
Thinking Home 1.1.7 keywords