The Inscrutable Denominator of Heaven’s Dashboard 0.1 review

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Jade Empire is a role-playing videogame for the Xbox that takes place in a fictitious, mythical version of China.

License: Freeware
OS: Mac OS X
File size: 383K
Developer: Tea Leaves
Price: $0.00
Updated: 29 Jul 2005
0 stars award from

Jade Empire is a role-playing videogame for the Xbox that takes place in a fictitious, mythical version of China.

One of the things I really enjoy about the game is the nifty names all the characters have. Sagacious Zu! Radiant Jen Zi! Lu the Prodigy! By comparison, my own name seems threadbare and boring. I knew there had to be some way I could dress my name up for a night on the mythical Asian town.

This widget is the result.

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