SysQuake LE 3.1.2 review
DownloadSysQuake is a scientific application which permits you to interact directly with your graphics.
SysQuake is a scientific application which permits you to interact directly with your graphics.
With the mouse, you can manipulate curves or sliders and observe immediately, in real-time, the effects of changing initial conditions or parameters on a simulation, or design parameters on performance, or just get an intuitive understanding of a difficult theory.
SysQuake comes with applications in many different domains, such as automatic control, signal processing, demography, mathematics, and finance. With its powerful, Matlab-like language, it lets you develop new applications in any domain.
What's New:
New features
based on LME 4.5.1
new style in plot to have arrows
second output argument in scale
multiple values in textfield
Minor changes
the sampling rate chosen by lsim is increased up to a factor 5 to match the input
support for a specific graphical object ID in dragin and dragout handler declarations
Bug fixes
discrete-time time responses with symbols weren't displayed correctly when the sample at t=0 wasn't visible; fixed
the end of embedded files (with keyword embeddedfile in SQ files) encoded with base64 but not padded with = characters (i.e. whose encoded size was a multiple of four characters) wasn't detected correctly; fixed
Mac OS X
the figure window wasn't redisplayed correctly when it was resized; fixed
fopen with an empty path prevented Sysquake from executing code; fixed
Sysquake Application Builder
in Windows, new menu View>Output Window
SQ files
RST_ct.sq, waves.sq, triangul.sq, triangle.sq, approx.sq: constant definitions for graphical object identifiers and other constants.
SysQuake LE 3.1.2 keywords