StockXloader 3.3 review
DownloadStockXloader is a native Mac OS X application for fully automated downloading of stock market quotes and indexes to the technical analysis program ProTA or ProTA Gold from BeeSoft — effectively building an arbitrarily large database of tickers containing historical quotes for the open/high/low/close of each day! StockXloader collects quotes from the archives at Yahoo! Finance for any stock exchange in the world.
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StockXloader is a native Mac OS X application for fully automated downloading of stock market quotes and indexes to the technical analysis program ProTA or ProTA Gold from BeeSoft — effectively building an arbitrarily large database of tickers containing historical quotes for the open/high/low/close of each day!
StockXloader collects quotes from the archives at Yahoo! Finance for any stock exchange in the world.
The downloaded information is automatically imported into the database of ProTA. In the process, it informs ProTA which tickers are stocks, which are mutual funds, and which are indexes, futures or options so that any new ticker is put into the right category by ProTA.
Here are some key features of "StockXloader":
The system treats daily quotes and historical daily quotes of stocks, mutual funds and indexes.
For a list of Yahoo tickers, you can download historical quotes for all those tickers many years back in time! And you can also download all the quotes for today, even if there are hundreds of tickers!
For Aff?rsv?rlden, you download quotes for the whole Stockholm Stock Exchange for any number of days or weeks or months back in time!
For Yahoo, StockXloader keeps three separate "region" lists — "EU", "US" and "A" — that you can fill with arbitrarily many tickers from any stock exchange in the world.
For non-US quotes, Yahoo enforces a restriction as to the amount of data that can be fetched in each "batch" — a maximum of 200 days per download. However, StockXloader has the ability to work around that limitation by automatically and seamlessly dividing it all up into as many periods as is necessary!
For current-day quotes from Yahoo, they enforce a restriction as to the number of tickers — a maximum of 200 tickers per "batch" download. However, StockXloader has the ability to work around that limitation by automatically and seamlessly dividing it all up into as many chunks as is necessary!
For both Yahoo and Aff?rsv?rlden, StockXloader keeps track of the last date you successfully downloaded data for each region (really got some data, not just attempted a download!).
For all dates of last download, you can back any of them as much as you need — days, months, years — for building a historical database!
StockXloader provides you with very detailed progress information concerning how the download and conversion proceeds, what is currently being processed, missing dates, empty tickers, error conditions etcetera.
For Yahoo historical quotes, StockXloader warns you about those tickers that do not have any data or do not have as recent quotes as the most recent ticker has.
After all the files have been downloaded, they are processed to fit the import specifications for ProTA and assembled into a single file, which automatically gets imported into the database of ProTA.
It verifies fields to find out what the latest date is where you really got some data, and all dates are converted into a format that is independent of your preferred date format in ProTA. The format is also independent of your chosen decimal separator (period or comma).
For Yahoo quotes, the full security names and type codes are obtained from the ticker files, so that ProTA can create new ticker symbols automatically in the right categories with full security names.
You can try out a full and completely uncrippled version of StockXloader for evaluation up to 60 days.
What's New:
Changed the syntax of the ticker lists slightly to make room for a new feature. There must now be a space or tab before the '=' character that separates the ticker from the "full security name".
New feature: it is now possible to have tickers for currencies and commodities! These tickers contain the '=' character.
New feature: StockXloader now has 4 Yahoo ticker lists: In addition to the previous (EU), (US) and (A) lists, there is now also a list for "region" (X), which can be used as a temporary extra list for getting quotes for some individual ticker you may be interested in.
The whole functionality for getting quotes from Aff?rsv?rlden has been taken away — the reason is that they no longer offer free quotes. StockXloader is now purely a Yahoo downloader.
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