Sound for Growl 1.1 review

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Sound for Growl lets you play a sound when you get notified of something by Growl.

License: Freeware
OS: Mac OS X
File size: 173K
Developer: Karsten Kusche
Price: $0.00
Updated: 02 May 2006
0 stars award from

Sound for Growl lets you play a sound when you get notified of something by Growl.

To install it, just double click the Sound.growlView configure the Growl view in the Growl PreferencePane just like any other view, don't use too long sounds.

Select UnPlugged in the Application Preferences of Growl and select Sound to be the notification-view to be used.

This was a requested feature for UnPlugged but I thought it should be part of Growl, so here it is.

What's New:
added which will show a normal notification when a sound notification is performed. just run the app (you wouldn't see anything of it, but you'll see the notifications)
add it to your startup items to have to started on every login.

Growl installed.

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