Solarian II 1.1 review

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Solarian II was first written about 15 years ago, and was one of the first color games for the new color Macs that came out in 1988.

License: Shareware
OS: Mac OS X
File size: 827K
Developer: Stick Software
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Price: $10.00
Updated: 25 Aug 2006
0 stars award from

Solarian II was first written about 15 years ago, and was one of the first color games for the new color Macs that came out in 1988. It ran happily for years, but Mac OS X broke it — it never ran well under Classic. We kept getting email about this, and so we've ported it to Mac OS X. It's now a native Cocoa app (!), and should be good to go for another 15 years, we hope!

We made this port as faithful to the original as we possibly could. All the sounds are the same (but cleaned up to have less hiss and noise), the graphics are untouched (but it can now switch your display's resolution so it fills that nice big monitor you have nowadays), even the user interface is preserved in all its archaic wonder!

15 launches trial (max 24 hours each).

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