Snapz Pro X 2.0.2 review

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Sapz Pro X is a quantum leap in video capture technology, adroitly capturing full motion video of anything on your screen at a blistering pace, complete with digital audio, and an optional microphone voiceover.

License: Shareware
OS: Mac OS X
File size: 14513K
Developer: Ambrosia Software, Inc.
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Price: $69.00
Updated: 02 Jun 2006
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Sapz Pro X is a quantum leap in video capture technology, adroitly capturing full motion video of anything on your screen at a blistering pace, complete with digital audio, and an optional microphone voiceover. Think of it as a digital video camera for your screen. If a picture is worth a thousand words, imagine how priceless a movie would be for getting your point across. Snapz Pro X makes short work of making training videos, producing product demos, creating tutorials, archiving streaming video, and anything else you can think of.
Find out why companies like Apple Computer, Inc., Adobe Systems Inc., MacroMedia, Inc., and countless others rely on Snapz Pro X 2.0 when they need to convey an idea effectively. Find out why average users are taking full motion video screen captures rather than the static screenshots of old. Join the video capture revolution, download Snapz Pro X 2.0 today.
In addition to a video capture engine that is 20x faster than anything else on the market, Snapz Pro X 2.0 boasts dozens of other new features that you'll quickly wonder how you lived without. We did not follow the industry trend of bloated software with extraneous features; instead we rethought the product.
Snapz Pro X 2.0's interface has been completely redesigned to provide more powerful features while maintaining Snapz Pro X's elegant simplicity. Rather than just tossing new features into an already full-featured product, we carefully examined how people use Snapz Pro X, and developed a new user interface that adds functionality without adding complexity.

Snapz Pro X 2.0 costs $69. Upgrades from Snapz Pro X 1.0 w/ movie capture are $20.

Here are some key features of "Snapz Pro X":
For those who need static screen captures for manuals, web sites, etc., Snapz Pro X 2.0 offers many improvements.
One of the most useful is "Live Preview" which shows you exactly how your screenshot will look before you save it to disk. This allows you to change border styles, scaling, cropping, and other settings on the fly. Instead of guessing what your screenshots will look like, you can get them right the first time.
Snapz Pro X supports saving screenshot as .bmp, .pict, .gif, .jpg, .png, .tiff, .pdf, or Photoshop files, with precise control over image compression.
Screenshots can be scaled, cropped, color depth-changed, and dithered.
Snapz Pro X can also add borders, generate automatic thumbnails, overlay watermarks/copyright notices... you name it, we got it!

30 day trial period.

What's New:
Includes full MacOS X 10.4 ("Tiger") compatibility
Fixed a bug that could cause Snapz Pro X to not include the audio and/or microphone track in recordings unless you clicked on the "Settings..." button for the compressor after rebooting
Addressed a bug in AmbrosiaAudioSupport that could on certain machines in very specific conditions cause the audio in a movie to stutter or get out of synch after 10+ minutes of recording
Fixed a but that caused the window borders on Tiger to be slightly off visually
Snapz Pro X now uses hardware acceleration for many aspects of operation, which will make it faster on many machines
Included an Uninstaller for Snapz Pro X
Added a Traditional Chinese localization to Snapz Pro X
Fixed a number of other bugs and issues.

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