Smile full edition 3.1.8 review
DownloadSmile is an integrated working and production environment for viewing and analyzing numerical data of any sizes, and produce professional graphical documents.
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Smile is an integrated working and production environment for viewing and analyzing numerical data of any sizes, and produce professional graphical documents.
Smile offers a wide range of data representation models: curves, contour maps, vector fields, 3D surface. High-level graphical commands address all kinds of non-standard graphical 2D and 3D representation needs.
Various levels of access and use are available: you can make plots using the set of fast and easy tools provided, and you can as well handle a whole project of data visualization, including for instance automated data import, customized visualization, user interaction dialog windows, and production of several graphical documents. You program directly data visualization objects (for example a curve, a contour map, a 3d surface).
Here are some key features of "Smile full edition":
1-d data visualization
scatter plots
bar graphs
support of multiple curves in one plot
polynomial fits
data supported:
one formula y=f(x)
two arrays of data x, y
three arrays of data x, y1, y2
2-d data visualization
color maps, bitmap
color maps, general
contour lines
vector plots
support of superimposed graphs
data supported:
one formula z=f(x,y) with optional 1-d arrays for x and y
one 2-d array of data z(x,y) with optional 1-d arrays for x and y
three 2-d arrays x(u,v), y(u,v), z(u,v) (used for example for a plot in polar coordinates)
3-d data visualization
isosurfaces (scalar 3-d data)
streamlines (vectorial 3-d data)
2-d slices (scalar 3-d data)
triangles lists
support of multiple objects in a plot
data supported by the surfaces:
one formula z=f(x,y) with optional 1-d arrays for x and y
one 2-d array of data z(x,y) with optional 1-d arrays for x and y
three 2-d arrays x(u,v), y(u,v), z(u,v) (used for example to plot a closed surface)
light position and eye position adjustable
parameters of the plane projection adjustable
advanced surface rendering with separate specular, emitted, ambient, and diffused colors, and shininess. Wireframe or plain.
Customization of the graphs
levels of settings customization:
default settings customizable (templates are stored as p-list files)
all settings customizable on the fly by script
all settings customizable on the fly in dialog boxes
PDF engine, a vectorial graphical library (drawing and text)
PDF import
LaTeX formulae
support of Unicode in the figures
Graphic's programmable user interface
click and drag
by default, over 1-d data: displays x, y
by default, over 2-d data: displays x, y
by default, over a surface: displays x, y, z
user's mouse down, drag, and mouse up can be handled in a script
user's keystrokes can he handled in a script
user's window resize can he handled in a script
programmable widgets
customizable toolbar: buttons, menus, messages
Data files format supported
HDF (Scientific Data Sets)
bitmap images (JPEG, PNG etc.) as gray levels
XNF (XML-based extensible 1-d, 2-d, and 3-d binary arrays storage)
Graphic formats produced
PDF (vectorial)
QuickTime movie
MacOS bundle: stores the PDF graphic, the numerical data, and all settings
Export of a matrix into a gray-level or indexed colors image, JPEG, PNG, TIFF, BMP, PSD
Communication with external codes
standard UNIX executables: via "do shell script" (invokes /bin/sh)
scriptable programs: via the AppleScript terminology
C, C++ and FORTRAN programs: interactive communication with running codes by installation of inter-application communication (working samples are provided)
Mathematical functions on numbers, arrays, and matrices, real and complex
arithmetic and comparison operators
trigonometric and hyperbolic: cos, sin, ... acos, asin, ... cosh, sinh, ... acosh, asinh, ... atan2
transcendental: ln, log10, exp, sqrt, erf, erfc, gamma, lgamma
miscellaneous: abs, sqr, hypot, round, ceil, floor, trunc, roots of
linear algebra: transposition, product (M x M, M x v, v x M, ), inverse matrix and solution of a linear system, eigenvalues, LU decomposition, pivot, determinant
Fourier Transform and convolution: 1d FFT, grouped n-dimensional FFT, 2d FFT (all sizes), convolution, cross-correlation, filtering. Support periodic boundary conditions.
interpolation: linear or spline, supports periodic boundary conditions.
polynomials: evaluation, composition, addition, subtraction, product, Euclidean quotient, and translation into string. Polynomial data fits.
image processing: particle analysis (statistics and shapes.)
XML editor and XML engine
XML syntax checking
check of the conformance to the DTD
DTD syntax checking
XML DOM (Document Object Model): textual node, children, siblings, parent, root, document, URL. Node creation and deletion. Support of versions 1.0 and 1.1 of XML.
XPATH, XPATH generation
p-list engine (Property Lists is a fast lookup tables format)
User interface editor
drag-and-drop editor
instant toggle between running mode and edition mode
PDF engine
shapes: straight and smooth lines, rectangles, circles, arcs, B?zier curves, crosses, arrows, text, text box, smooth closed curves
graphic features: colors, masks, transparency, dashes, line joints, line endings, fonts and text sizes, linear transformations, objects' naming, HSV/CMYK/RGB translations, shadows, random patterns, graded colors, layers, paths library, objects library, bitmap import, PDF import
geometry: scalar product, determinant, norm, middle, circle containing three points, intersection, projection, symmetry, bisector, center of mass,
import and scale PDF,
output formats: PDF, JPEG, PNG, TIFF, BMP, PSD, and QuickTime movie (.mov).
Regular Expressions search-and-replace engine
ASCII and Unicode
works on a variable, on an open window, or on a file
Text editor
ASCII (Mac-Roman, ISO-8859-1) and Unicode (UTF-8, UTF-16)
unlimited file size.
Nag screens.
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