Simple Invoicer 1.0b2 review

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Simple Invoicer is a small application that allows you to keep track of hours worked, create and send invoices, and track payments received on a specific project.

License: Freeware
OS: Mac OS X
File size: 211K
Developer: Naked Software
Price: $0.00
Updated: 31 Jan 2006
0 stars award from

Simple Invoicer is a small application that allows you to keep track of hours worked, create and send invoices, and track payments received on a specific project. I created it for my own needs.

I typically work on multiple projects at a time for a small number of clients and wanted a program to track my time on a project basis, rather than on a client basis.

At some point, I may re-write this using Core Data and Cocoa Bindings to make a more robust and user-friendly application, but for now caveat emptor.

What's New:
Corrected a problem with the "review unsaved documents" functionality where the application would terminate before the user could review their documents.

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