Show Off 0.63 review

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ShowOff displays your current uptime (how long your mac has been turned on), which is good for impressing your windows using friends, who has to restart every few days or even hours (that's my experience at least).

License: Freeware
OS: Mac OS X
File size: 0K
Developer: Joakim Nygard
Price: $0.00
Updated: 16 Feb 2006
0 stars award from

ShowOff displays your current uptime (how long your mac has been turned on), which is good for impressing your windows using friends, who has to restart every few days or even hours (that's my experience at least).

It's very basic, does nothing more than described above, but I will improve on this in future versions.

Here are some key features of "Show Off":
The current time and date
Users currently logged onto your system
The system load
Your best uptime
A user defined text.

What's New:
Recompiled for Universal Binary - works on both PowerPC and Intel Macs.

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