Share My Desktop 1.2 review

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Share My Desktop (SMD) is a simple little wrapper application that I created for OSXvnc in AppleScript Studio.

License: Freeware
OS: Mac OS X
File size: 505K
Developer: Bombich Software
Price: $0.00
Updated: 16 Aug 2006
0 stars award from

Share My Desktop (SMD) is a simple little wrapper application that I created for OSXvnc in AppleScript Studio. SMD makes initiating a VNC server very simple.

SMD was developed as a tool to offer better support from Tech Support staff. SMD can be installed on client systems, so if the client needs assistance, they can call the Tech Support staff, initiate the VNC server, and give the Tech Support staff the connection information.

When the Tech Support staff is able to share the client's screen, they can SHOW the client what they need to do to fix a problem, rather than try to guide them by voice alone.

What's New:
Preferences are now persistent
Added a window to install and manage a system-wide VNC server
Added a startup item for the system-wide VNC server
Fixed a bug that would cause the Classic version of the Apple System Profiler to launch.

BSD subsystem installed (which is installed by default).

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