ShapeOnYou 1.5.2 review

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ShapeOnYou is a little application that can display different 3D shapes.

License: Freeware
OS: Mac OS X
File size: 2386K
Developer: Pierre Chatelier
Price: $0.00
Updated: 17 May 2006
0 stars award from

ShapeOnYou is a little application that can display different 3D shapes. It is useful to drag'n drop the results in other applications (like Keynote, OmniGraffle 4) where you would like to use 3D shapes. It is even better if these applications support LinkBack: supporting LinkBack means that you can update the image by modifying it in ShapeOnYou, and the modification will take place in the document of the other application.

If you drop an image from ShapeOnYou to another application supporting LinkBack, you will later be able to reopen the image into ShapeOnYou, usually through "Edit" menu.

What's New:
fixed a bug related to the availability of the menu items "Copy" and "Paste";
added "New from Clipboard" menu item;
the animation criteria were not translated in english;
German translation by Apfel+Z.

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