Sciral Consistency 1.1 review
DownloadCalendars are great for keeping track of tasks where you need to coordinate with others by setting fixed times and intervals.
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Calendars are great for keeping track of tasks where you need to coordinate with others by setting fixed times and intervals. To-do lists are great for keeping track of tasks that you will do once, and that you need to keep in order by priority.
But there's another class of activities for which neither traditional calendars nor to-do lists are optimal. If you already use a calendar and a to-do list, you're probably trying to wedge these tasks into those tools, without realizing that they really call for a new kind of tool. Sciral Consistency is that tool.
The kinds of activities or tasks you use Sciral Consistency for share a number of attributes:They don't have deadlines or rigid time intervals associated with them.In order to gain and retain their benefits, you must perform them on a regular basis over a long period of time.
The ideal amount of time that elapses between completions of a particular task are unique to that task. To gain the maximum benefit you shouldn't do them too frequently or infrequently. They can be carried out by you with minimal or no coordination with other people.
They are often "routine" tasks for which you have not firmly established a habit of carrying them out as second nature.They are (in the words of Stephen Covey) "important, but not urgent."
In addition, feedback on how consistently you're performing each of these tasks is critical to evaluating how well you're supporting your core values on a long-term basis.
Our customers come up with a variety of creative ways to use Sciral Consistency, including:A simple class attendance book.A tool to help their kids stay on top of their household chores.A way to keep track of a list of friends and when they last visited with them.
Here are some key features of "Sciral Consistency":
A simple class attendance book.
A tool to help their kids stay on top of their household chores.
A way to keep track of a list of friends and when they last visited with them.
Registration screen at startup.
What's New:
Document windows are now opened at their last size and position.
In the Preferences panel you can now choose whether a new untitled document is created when the application starts up.
In the Preferences panel you can now choose whether the same documents that were open when you last quit will be automatically re-opened.
In the Preferences panel you can now choose whether your open documents will be saved automatically after a short period of inactivity.
Task target ranges are no longer limited to up to 120 days— you can now make target ranges that repeat as far apart as 1 days.
Document windows now look ahead 120 days instead of the previous 60 days.
In the new View menu are commands that let you display a "countdown" of days remaining until each task becomes overdue (or for overdue tasks, the number of days overdue.) The countdown can be displayed for days in the past, the present days, days in the future, or any combination.
When creating a new task, you can set the date on which the task will start recording. This date can be in the past or the future.
At any time, the start date of one or more selected tasks can be changed to a different date. If the date is in the past, more days will be added before the previous beginning of the task. If in the future, days will be removed from the task as necessary.
Each task that is either due or overdue and not completed for the current day has a colored bullet next to it. This makes it easy to review the tasks you need to do today.
Option-clicking the summary bullet to the left of a task marks the task complete.
Pressing the space bar with one or more tasks selected causes them all to be marked complete.
(Mac) Right-clicking now activates contextual menus.
Mouse scroll wheels are now supported.
(Mac) The keyboard shortcut for Preferences has been changed to "Command-,".
(Mac) The keyboard shortcut for Hide Others has been changed to "Command-Option-H".
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