SASS - Stock Analysis and Selection Software 1.6.3 review
DownloadSASS - Stock Analysis and Selection Software™, performs a Fundamental Analysis of publicly traded company financial data.
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SASS - Stock Analysis and Selection Software™, performs a Fundamental Analysis of publicly traded company financial data. Display info graphically for easy interpretation. View up to 10 year graphs of Sales, EPS, Price, Return, Retention Ratio, ROE, Sustainable Growth, Equity, Asset and Revenue Efficiencies. Calculate Risk vs. Reward ratio. Check if current price is in Buy, Maybe or Sell zones.
Open .ssg files from NAIC or CSA, or fill in financial info manually. Get .ssg data from net (no fees), or download .ssg files from NAIC's website (fees apply).
Fetch detailed current stock quote info from net, along with chart of intraday or historical stock prices and volumes, from 1 day - 10 years. Plot multiple price graphs on the same chart.
Perform 10 categories of Fundamental Screens for stocks displaying Value, Growth, Income or Quality (no fees).
A must for the individual investor, member of stock investment club, or professional investor.
Here are some key features of "SASS":
If you do not have access to .SSG files, but do have access to a company's financial data, create a New blank file for direct data input. Entry should take only about 5 to 10 minutes.
Quick and easy modification of existing .SSG or financial data.
Checks in place to reduce possibility of inadvertently overwriting existing data.
Full control over printing of any or all Tables and Graphs. Print Preview fully implemented. Print Window implemented.
EPS or CFPS based analysis. Retention Ration or Alternate Retention Ratio. Assets with Cash or without Cash.
Dynamically creates a Font menu to allow selection of whatever font you want to see.
Extensive Help system. Search help files by keyword or phrase, with accented characters supported.
Balloon Help implemented.
Linear Plot of Sustainable Growth and ROE Sub-Components.
Semi-Log Plots of Sales, EPS or CFPS, Price, DPS.
Summary Plot superimposes Sales, EPS or CFPS, and Price
Line of Best Fit calculated and plotted for Sales, EPS or CFPS.
Historical Compound Growth Rates calculated for Sales and EPS or CFPS.
Historical Price, and P/E ratios.
Control of projected Sales, EPS or CFPS, P/E and Dividend Return rates.
Control of Assumed % Decline in recent price of stock.
Calculation of Risk versus Reward.
Zoning calculation helps determine if the stock is in the Buy, Maybe or Sell zones.
Summary Graph superimposes Sales, EPS or CFPS and Price to allow you to SEE at a glance if this is the kind of company you want to consider for your portfolio.
Visually identify when a stock's price is getting ahead of its Sales and/or Earnings (overvalued indicator), or lagging (undervalued indicator).
FULL FEATURED, except Download, Get, Save, Print and built in Help disabled.
What's New:
Download of .SSG files from NAIC (Better Investing) web site fixed, to address modified NAIC login.
Code optimization for increased responsiveness.
Routines for Stock Quote Fetch feature updated to extract data from modified MSN web pages.
SASS - Stock Analysis and Selection Software 1.6.3 keywords