RMeter 1.0.1 review

by rbytes.net on

RMeter is a resource meter for your menu bar.

License: Shareware
OS: Mac OS X
File size: 41K
Developer: nekotech SOFTWARE
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Price: $10.00
Updated: 17 Apr 2006
0 stars award from rbytes.net

RMeter is a resource meter for your menu bar. It's an alternative to the CPU Meter that ships with OSX. It supports one or more CPUs.

You can choose the colors for the meter background, activity, and surrounding frame. You can also configure the height and width. If you want to reset to the factory settings, you can remove the preference file, ~/Library/Preferences/com.nekotech.RMeter.plist.

What's New:
Fix display bug when running OSX 10.3.

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