RapidPreview 1.2.4 review

by rbytes.net on

RapidPreview is a simple sound file previewer which can easily preview numerous number of sound files in a file browser format.

License: Shareware
OS: Mac OS X
File size: 332K
Developer: flying bamboo
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Price: $15.00
Updated: 05 Jun 2006
0 stars award from rbytes.net

RapidPreview is a simple sound file previewer which can easily preview numerous number of sound files in a file browser format.

Waveform can be displayed by opening AIFF and the WAV file with "WaveViewer", and arbitrary range can be selected while visualizing the waveform on a display. Selected part can be cut out to a new file and also can be saved in a specified file format and the sampling rate, etc.

Here are some key features of "RapidPreview":
QuickTime file conversion
File opened by registed application
File rename
File duplicate.

10 seconds delay at startup.

What's New:
Fixed clash bug when preview on Intel Mac.

QuickTime7 or later
256MB minimum RAM.

RapidPreview 1.2.4 keywords